Thursday 26 December 2013

Radio Trailer Research

The TV and radio trailers that are promoting films of the same genre as my short films are similarly constructed, using the same codes and conventions. They all use a soundtrack that brings uncomforting and wondering feelings to the target audience (in fact any audience/viewer/listener) mainly highlighted using a piano as a creepy notes used on the instrument is familiar to everyone as to making them feel scared and uncomfortable. The sound effects are usually used from a drum kit such as if the screen goes blanks or there is a moment of silence there is either the beat of a drum or the strike of a drum kits symbol, adding panic to the audiences reaction as the feeling of 'something has happened and they don't what it is' kicks in. Dialogue is usually the elements that add fear into the narrative, added to the verbal warning given by the voice over are likely to make the audience jump just by listening to the trailer, giving them an idea of what to expect if they are persuaded to go and see the film.

Key information to remember when attempting to make a trailer for the sound levels it needs to change from quiet to immediately going to a loud sound e.g. going from a whispering dialogue followed by a loud sound effect leading to a loud and warnful voice over.

The Anatomy of Poster

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Skills developed

The information on the glogster shows the skills we have learnt as a group while filming and what we found out was important for us to think about while filming different shots.