Thursday 20 June 2013

Introduction and Brief

Hello there,
                   My name is Emily Wears and I'm a 17 year old A2 media studies student, who has set up this blog to help show the development of  a short film that myself and fellow students will create together.

Over the years short films have become more and more popular, this is partially due to the easier access audiences have to independent films than the main blockbuster films. They can be accessed on YouTube as people have set up channels entirely to display their own short films in which they have created whether it be a fan-film or an original idea of theirs. There are also websites that allow its users to access a variety of short films that they may not of heard of or seen before.

Our brief is to work in groups and create our own short film. This will including the production, distribution and exhibiting process. As we will be writing and producing the short film, then putting it on YouTube were it can be viewed and then creating a source of promotion such as a radio trailer, film poster or review article for a magazine. This blog will show my part in the development of my groups short films.

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