Wednesday 16 October 2013

Video Review of Virgin Short Films

Virgin Films is a website that shows a variety of short films, that have been created by unknown filmmakers. Virgin Films shows these films on the site allowing audiences who enjoy watching short films, either over or similar to full length feature films. In our groups we were given the task to watch a variety of shor films then pick two in which as a group we would review. As a group we picked our most favorite and least favorite, and then wrote down wy we enjoyed/disliked the film, referring to the elements used within the film. The elements we took into consideration when it came to reviewing the short film were:Narrative, genre, subject matter, origionality, camera work, editing, sound, performance and mise-en-scene. We then recorded our groups talking about the films we chose.
(DISCLAIMER: All rights go to the source of all short films shown on this blog)

Our most favourite short film was: Just Say Hi

A short romance, expressing the importance of just speaking o movve things forward.

Our least favourite short film was: Wrongly Accussed

A short action/adventure, about how society can not fit everyones needs.

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