Monday 25 November 2013


Our group have started to decide our designs for the auxiliary tasks such as the poster and the double page spread. These are the narrowed down choices for the masthead of our film, as we think that these best suit our film genre of a psychological-horror-thriller.
1. We added a shadow to this text to help give the idea of a double personality to our main character. We also used italic font as this can suggest that things are not straight forward in the narrative.
2. Similar to number 1 we added a shadow to give the idea of a double personality, but this time we did use just a plain font as that can suggest that our main character is very blank and it's her two personalities that create who she is.
3. This bold tests conveys the idea of a that there is much to tell or learn about the character and the style of font represents a strange personality that is that of the main character.
4. This type of font is used in many films that tell the story or give an clue as to the twisted moment or subject that is coming the audiences way.

Audience Research

Gathering 5 eager film watchers that expressed an interest in films with a psychological thriller genre. We gave them a summary of our short films synopsis and followed onto show them our typeface designs and asked them to decide which typeface would be best used for both our opening film title and for our individual film posters.

All 5 participants seemed to agree that number 4 would be best used. Briefly explaining that it would make the film seem creepy and help suggest the idea that our character is different and is not who they really are.

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