Tuesday 4 February 2014

Evaluation Question 3

What have I learned from the feedback?

The feedback was mainly positive when considering the important media elements we tried to include were there, such as cinematography and mis-en-scene. They enjoyed that our short film was different from other short films such as we didn't force student acting, therefore making the performance of a more high standard. However there were some not so positive comments. Apparently our narrative wasn't very clear unless it was explained to them before hand or they had listened to the radio trailer or read a magazine review about it. The most important comment I learnt from was the target audience comment we were told that our audience was more of an indie/arthouse audience, which is what were were aiming for, so very happy to know that we have aimed and reached the correct target audience.

Do you agree/disagree with the comments?

I do agree with the comments that were given. We had reached our target audience as they seemed to have enjoyed the film. Our film was different from other short film as we went with a different type of narrative, style and setting. Especially the comment that our film would be best suited to be shown at indie film festivals, as there would most likely be audiences that would understand our film more clearly and enjoy films such as ours.

What would I change if I could do the project again?

I personally think that I wouldn't change that much if I could do the project again. As a group I do think we would try and find a way to make our films narrative more clear so our target audience could have easily understood the film as they were watching it, instead of needing to have an explanation so that the narrative became more clear to them. We used a linear narrative with the focus being on the one character it probably would have helped the narrative become more clear if we had also applied Todorov, having a clear beginning, middle and end. I would also of tried harder to learn how final cut pro worked, so that I could play my part in actually doing the editing, I gave it a go but I was constantly having to ask what was what and what was where. But I stayed involved making suggesting for edits or giving my opinion on a decision other members of the group made.

Have I targeted the correct audience effectively?

I think we have targeted the correct audience effectively. During the research and planning process once we had come up with the synopsis, we did some research to see who our target audience would be, exploring what other short films are targeted to them and what techniques and elements we need to include and consider for our short film so that it does reach their expectations of short films they already watch. From our research we found that elements of the short films our target audience was already interested in consist of jump cuts and parallel editing to add those stand out dramatic moments. A lack of colour so that was no distraction from the narrative or performance. Extreme close ups that draws the target audience, giving their full attention allowing to enjoy the film to its full potential. The background music acted as a director telling the audience how to feel at certain moments whether to be scared, waiting in suspense or be shocked at the twisted ended.

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